I Pappa Bear am a very busy bear, but sometimes I have some time in the car when my staff won't let me drive and I have to just sit and so I make up lists. I am so smart that i know the world needs lists to keep it going and to understand how things work, so I am the bear for the job. I think I can probably solve anything or explain anything or even figure out anything if I make a list about it. You could try making lists too, but probably the important kinds of lists I make are probably a bit too advanced. You may also notice that all my lists are lists of 10 because 10 is such a magical number and so very important in the grand scheme of things.
This list is probably one of my most important- because it covers something very most important called Dragon Suits and they are probably the most important fashion accessory in the whole wide world!!!!
So here is my list!!!
Pappa Bear's Top Ten Uses of Dragon Suits
1- Witness relocation
2- A good way to use up all the left over green from St. Patrick's Day
3- You can scare people with it.
4- Fooling knights and princesses.
5- You never have to look for matches.
6- You don't have to wait in line for movies.
7- You always have a night light.
8- You don't have to use a helium balloon to fly.

9- You don't have to carry a blankie.
10- You don't have to use fake tanner.
11- You can always make toast.
12- And grilled Cheese.
13 And sheesh kabobs!!!!