Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Hi, It's me Pappa Bear.

It is November and this is my first November post on my blog. I'm feeling very Novembery what about you?

Next week is Thanks giving. I am giving thanks that I have a dragon suit. I have been wearing it since Halloween, because I look so nice and green in it. It has a long tail and a hat with a clothes pin on it to make it look extra festive. It also has boots with claws that make my feet look really scary and big, just like my human girl's feet. The big part, not the scary clawy part.

I think that people and especially bears should get as much use out of their hallween costumes as they can and should wear them a long time maybe til their birthdays.

Anyway, back to my dragon costume. In my dragon costume, I can fly and I can breathe fire. I have to be very careful where I breathe when I wear it because it's not good around books or people or trees, but it's very good around marshmallows or hotdogs or birthday cakes.

When is your birthday? Mine is Dec. 20 Just like my human girl, it's nice of me to share with her.

Tomorrow, or even next week, I'm going to take some pictures of me in my dragon costume, so be watching for them, but if you see a big green dragon flying overhead, don't be afraid, because it's most likely me, Pappa Bear!!!

Love, and scorches,
from Pappa Bear the biggest scariest green dragon in the world


Pappa Bear said...

Wow Pappa Bear you must be the most smartest and amazingest dragon in the world. I wish I could be more like you. Will you be my best friend?

Guess who

Anonymous said...

Hey Pappa Bear, it's Evie!

I saw you this weekend! Your dragon costume is SO cute! Thank you for your wonderous performance that you did for me and my friends.
Say Hi to your human girl for me and tell her I miss her!


Anonymous said...

You're right Pappa Bear! You're dragon costume is great! It's so cute!
It was great meeting you this weekend! Thanks you for performing your dance for me and my friends! You're a great dancer!


Pappa Bear said...

Dear Evie,
This is Pappa Bear the most happiest bear in the world! It was so much fun meeting you and your friends! It was the happiest day of my life except for the day my human girl got so sick and I had to save her life and went to live with her forever!!! I am so glad you liked my dance. I will teach it to you the next time I see you! I bet if you work really hard, you could be nearly as good at it as me!!!!
My human girl and I miss you too!
from Pappa Bear!!!!

Pappa Bear said...

Dear Taylor,
Thank you so much for being such a good audience, you and your friends. It was so nice to meet you and I was almost too shy to even dance because you are all such great dancers, nearly as good as me and all!!!! I can't wait to see you and all your friends again in Atalantala in a few weeks. We'll have to have some more fun!
Love and kisses and grrrrrr,
Love Pappa Bear

Anonymous said...

Dear Pappa Bear,
Where do I get one of these Dragon suits? I want to be just as scary as you (but that's impossible) or I at least want to try to be a as scary as you because you are so wonderful.
Brown Bear

Pappa Bear said...

Dear Brown Bear,
My human girl got my dragon suit at Build a bear workshop ,but she got it many long years ago and I don't think they stilll have them.It was a Howl oh ween costume. I think seeing me wear it probably made lots of people go and buy them all. But you could probably find another really cooll myth oh logical beast costume to wear and I could get one too and that would make it cool enough for you to wear!!! Thanks for coming to visit me, I love you so much, love Pappa Bear