My human girl recently took something called Driver's Ed u ca shun. That means she gets to scare lots of people by driving a car. Sometimes it's on the road, and other times it's in a ditch. All this means that it's time to break out Pappa Bear's Top Ten Driving Tips list.
1- If you are using a bluetooth, bring a toothbrush.
2- If listening to the radio while driving, Don't dance.
3- If eating beans, bring clothes pins, gas mask, and air freshener.
4- If feeling gassy, say at frequent intervals, "We must have passed a sewage plant!!!!"
5- Sit on enough books to see over the steering wheel.
6- Always wear driving gloves, even if you don't have hands.
7- Don't talk on a cell phone, just shout loudly to the person next to you.
8- Never drive on top of another car.
9- Cars can't fly.
10- Or climb trees.
11- Don't drive with your feet.
12- Only put the top down if your car is a convertable.
13- In addition to your turn signal, you could shout:
1- If you are using a bluetooth, bring a toothbrush.
2- If listening to the radio while driving, Don't dance.
3- If eating beans, bring clothes pins, gas mask, and air freshener.
4- If feeling gassy, say at frequent intervals, "We must have passed a sewage plant!!!!"
5- Sit on enough books to see over the steering wheel.
6- Always wear driving gloves, even if you don't have hands.
7- Don't talk on a cell phone, just shout loudly to the person next to you.
8- Never drive on top of another car.
9- Cars can't fly.
10- Or climb trees.
11- Don't drive with your feet.
12- Only put the top down if your car is a convertable.
13- In addition to your turn signal, you could shout: